%s will only let you generates the^GNU VCDImager %s compliant XML file which describes the VideoCd=%s will only let you generates the^GNU VCDImager %s compliant XML file which describes the VideoCd
A CD-RW is required =╫±σΘßµσ⌠σ σφß CD-RW
A new version is available =═σß ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ┼ΘφßΘ ─ΘßΦσ≤Θ∞τ
About =╙≈σ⌠ΘΩß
Actually the exact meaning is not defined, and it is also player dependant!^NB: Most players actually ignore that value.=╙⌠τφ ╨±ßετ τ ßΩ±ΘΓτ≥ ≤τ∞ß≤Θß ⌠∩⌡ Σσφ ╧±Θµσ⌠σ, ΩßΘ σΘφßΘ σ≡Θ≤τ≥ ┼εß±⌠∙∞σφ∩ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ Player !^╒├: ╘ß ╨σ±Θ≤∩⌠σ±ß players ßπφ∩∩⌡φ ß⌡⌠τ ⌠τφ ╘Θ∞τ.
After =╠σ⌠ß
An "Access Point Sector", APS, is an MPEG video sector on the VCD/SVCD which is suitable to be jumped to directly=╘∩ "Access Point Sector", APS, ┼ΘφßΘ σφß≥ ⌠∩∞σß≥ ≤⌠∩ MPEG video ⌠∩⌡ (S)VCD ≡∩⌡ σΘφßΘ ┴±∞∩ΣΘ∩ πΘß ⌠τφ ┴∞σ≤τ ╠σ⌠ßΓß≤τ
An empty disk is required =╫±σΘßµσ⌠σ ┼φß≥ ┴ΣσΘ∩≥ ─Θ≤Ω∩≥
Approximate Cd Size =╨σ±Θ≡∩⌡ ⌠∩ ╠σπσΦ∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD
At this time, only motion videos are accepted =┴⌡⌠τ ⌠τ ╙⌠Θπ∞τ, ╠∩φ∩ Video ┼ΘφßΘ ┴≡∩ΣσΩ⌠∩
Audio Stream =╤∩τ ╟≈∩⌡
Available Disk Space =─ΘßΦσ≤Θ∞∩≥ ╫∙±∩≥ ≤⌠∩φ ─Θ≤Ω∩
Be careful, a frame number is related to the sequence frame rate =╨╤╧╙╧╫╟, ╧ ┴±ΘΦ∞∩≥ ⌠∙φ ╩ß±σ σΘφßΘ ╙≈σ⌠ΘΩ∩≥ ∞σ ⌠∩ "Frame Per Second (FPS)" (╩ß±σ ßφß ─σ⌡⌠σ±∩δσ≡⌠∩).
Be sure that some values are not bigger than the Mpeg duration =┬σΓßΘ∩ΦσΘ⌠σ ∩⌠Θ ╠σ±ΘΩσ≥ ╘Θ∞σ≥ Σσφ ┼ΘφßΘ ╠σπßδτ⌠σ±σ≥ ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ─Θß±ΩσΘß ⌠∩⌡ MPEG
Be sure that this value is not bigger than the Mpeg duration =┬σΓßΘ∩ΦσΘ⌠σ ∩⌠Θ ┴⌡⌠σ≥ τ ╘Θ∞σ≥ Σσφ ┼ΘφßΘ ╠σπßδτ⌠σ±σ≥ ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ─Θß±ΩσΘß ⌠∩⌡ MPEG
Before =╨±Θφ
Blanking the Cdrw =─Θßπ±ß÷σ⌠σ ⌠∩ CD-RW
CDRDAO support is disabled =╟ ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ ⌠∩⌡ CDRDAO σΘφßΘ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφτ
Cancel =┴Ω⌡±∩
Cancel done =┴Ω⌡±∩≤τ ╧╩
Cancelling =┴Ω⌡±∩φσ⌠σ
Cdr Devices Scanning =┼δσπ≈∩≥ ⌠τ≥ ╙⌡≤Ωσ⌡τ≥ CDR
Chapters will be too closed together =╘ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ┼ΘφßΘ ╨∩δ⌡ ╩∩φ⌠ß ╠σ⌠ßε⌡ ⌠∩⌡≥
Checking if CDR/CDRW is empty =┼δσπ≈∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CDR/CDRW ┴φ ┼ΘφßΘ ┴ΣσΘ∩
Choose the Cd Image Type "CDRDAO TOC" instead, or change the BIN file path/name=┼≡σδσεσ ⌠∙φ ╘⌡≡∩ ⌠∩⌡ CD Image ßφ⌠Θ ⌠∩⌡ "CDRDAO TOC", τ ┴δδßεσ ─ΘßΣ±∩∞τ/╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ BIN ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
Comma(s) and "&&" in filenames are not allowed =╩∩∞∞ß ΩßΘ "&&" ≤⌠∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ ─σφ ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡σ⌠σ
Creating Cd Image file =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß ⌠∩⌡ CD Image ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
DEL to remove a File =DEL πΘß ┴÷ßΘ±σ≤τ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
DEL to remove a File/Folder =DEL πΘß ┴÷ßΘ±σ≤τ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡/╓ßΩσδ∩⌡
Depending on your (S)VCD player, PBC may be needed to navigate chapters=┴φßδ∩πß ∞σ ⌠∩ (S)VCD Player ≡∩⌡ ┼≈σ⌠σ, ⌠∩ Playback Control (PBC) ^╫±σΘßµσ⌠σ πΘß ⌠τφ ╨δ∩τπτ≤τ ≤⌠ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß
Do you really want to erase the Cd ? =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ─Θßπ±ß÷τ ⌠∩ CD ?
Do you want to continue ? =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ╙⌡φσ≈Θ≤∙ ?
Do you want to see it ? =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ⌠∩ ─σΘ⌠σ ?
Do you want to see them ? =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ⌠ß ─σΘ⌠σ ?
Drag a file to change its position =╙⌡±⌠σ σφß ┴±≈σΘ∩ πΘß φß ⌠∩⌡ ┴δδßεσ⌠σ ╚σ≤τ
Duration =─Θß±ΩσΘß
Editable =┼≡σεσ±πß≤Θ∞∩
End offset =╚σ≤τ ╘σδ∩⌡≥
Even with a 0 sec wait time, the transition between tracks may not be smooth=┴Ω∩∞ß ΩßΘ ∞σ 0 Sec ╫±∩φ∩ ╩ßΦ⌡≤⌠σ±Θ≤τ≥ ^τ ╠σ⌠ßΓß≤τ ┴φß∞σ≤ß ≤⌠ß Tracks ╔≤∙≥ ─σφ σΘφßΘ ╧∞ßδτ
Existing Cd data will not be recoverable after the blank =╘ß ┴±≈σΘß ≤⌠∩ CD ╚ß ╫ßΦ∩⌡φ ∞σ⌠ß ⌠τφ ─Θßπ±ß÷τ
For example, allow to unlock the Cd Writer after a failed write =├Θß ╨ß±ßΣσΘπ∞ß, ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡σΘ ⌠∩ ╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß ⌠∩⌡ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥ ∞σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ┴≡∩⌠⌡≈τ∞σφτ ┼ππ±ß÷τ
Forbidden =┴≡ßπ∩±σ⌡∞σφ∩
Force execution of writing operations =╒≡∩≈±σ∙⌠ΘΩτ ┼Ω⌠σδσ≤τ ⌠τ≥ ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
Front margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 30 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ┴±≈τ≥ πΘß ⌠τφ ╤∩τ ⌠τ≥ ╘ßΘφΘß≥.^├Θß Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σ≈σΘ ╠σπσΦ∩≥ ╘∩⌡δß≈Θ≤⌠∙φ 15 sectors.^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ 30 πΘß Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 , ─Θß÷∩±σ⌠ΘΩß 0
Generated =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πτΦτΩσ
Generating the (internally computed) XML file =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß (┼≤∙⌠σ±ΘΩτ ╒≡∩δ∩πΘ≤∞∩Θ) ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ XML
Generating the XML file =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ XML
Getting the Cd info =╨σ±φ∙ ⌠Θ≥ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ CD
Go =GO
If the MPEG file does not have regular MPEG sequence headers throughout the file (e.g., before each GOP),=┴φ ╧δ∩ ⌠∩ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩ Σσφ σ≈σΘ ╩ßφ∩φΘΩ∩ MPEG sequence (≡.≈. ≡±Θφ ß≡∩ ΩßΦσ GOP),
It is highly recommended to let "%s" as default driver =╨±∩⌠σΘφ∙ φß ┴÷τ≤σ⌠σ ⌠∩ "%s" ≤ßφ ╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ ╧Στπ∩
Kb =KB
Last Modified =╘σδσ⌡⌠ßΘß ┼≡σεσ±πß≤Θß
Log =Log
Mail suggestions and bug reports to =E-Mail πΘß ╒≡∩ΣσΘετ≥ ΩßΘ ┴φß÷∩±ß πΘß ╦ßΦτ ≤⌠∩
Mandatory for 99min Cdr =╒≡∩≈±σ∙⌠ΘΩ∩ πΘß 99δσ≡⌠ß CDR
Mb =MB
Mpeg Information =╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ πΘß ⌠∩ MPEG
NB: Burn is not available when the output is XML only =╒├: ╟ ┼ππ±ß÷τ Σσφ ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡σ⌠σ ∩⌠ßφ ⌠∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ σΘφßΘ ╠∩φ∩ XML
NB: It is better to put the MPEG sequence headers in your MPEG stream rather than to force VCDImager to use this option.=NB: It is better to put the MPEG sequence headers in your MPEG stream rather than to force VCDImager to use this option.
Name =╧φ∩∞ß
Network files "\\server\share\..." are not allowed =┴±≈σΘß ─ΘΩ⌠⌡∩⌡ "\\server\share\..." ─σφ ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡∩φ⌠ßΘ
No =╧≈Θ
No Aspi Device Selected =─σφ σΘφßΘ ┼≡Θδσπ∞σφτ τ ╙⌡≤Ωσ⌡τ ASPI
No Cd Reader Selected =─σφ σΘφßΘ ┼≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ ⌠∩ CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥
No Cd Writer Selected =─σφ σΘφßΘ ┼≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ ⌠∩ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
No Cd Writer/Reader found or ASPI layer not installed =─σφ ┬±σΦτΩσ CD ßφßπφ∙≤τ≥/┼ππ±ß÷τ≥, τ ⌠∩ ASPI Σσφ σΘφßΘ ┼πΩß⌠σ≤⌠τ∞σφ∩
No new version available at this time =─σφ ╒≡ß±≈σΘ ═σß ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ß⌡⌠τ ⌠τ ╙⌠Θπ∞τ
Non quick blank can takes up to 60 minutes =╟ ╧╫╔ " ├±τπ∩±τ ─Θßπ±ß÷τ " ╠≡∩±σΘ φß ΩßφσΘ ╨ßφ∙ ß≡∩ 60 ╦σ≡⌠ß
Not Analysed =─σφ ┴φßδ⌡ΦτΩσ
Not Available =─σφ σΘφßΘ ─ΘßΦσ≤Θ∞∩
Not enough Disk Space on %s =─σφ ╒≡ß±≈σΘ ┴±Ωσ⌠∩≥ ╫∙±∩≥ ≤⌠∩ %s
One or more non valid chapter entry point found =┼φß τ ╨σ±Θ≤∩⌠σ±ß ╠τ ┼πΩ⌡±ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ┬±σΦτΩßφ
Ordered MPEG%s Video files =Video MPEG%s ┴±≈σΘß
Origin =╨±∩σδσ⌡≤τ
Path =─ΘßΣ±∩∞τ
Performing check for new version available =├Θφσ⌠σ ┼δσπ≈∩≥ πΘß ═σß ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ
Please be sure that this file is not ReadOnly =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙, ⌠∩ ┴±≈σΘß φß ∞τφ σΘφßΘ ReadOnly
Please enter a %s filename =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙, ┼Θ≤ßπσ⌠ßΘ ⌠∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ %s
Please wait =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ
Please wait while adding the files =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╧≤∩ ┼Θ≤ßπ∙φ⌠σ ⌠ß ┴±≈σΘß
Please wait while cancelling =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╠σ≈±Θ φß ┴Ω⌡±∩≤∙
Please wait while finilazing the cd =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╧≤∩ ╩δσΘφ∙ ⌠∩ CD
Please wait while scanning the MPEG file =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╧≤∩ ┼δσπ≈∙ ⌠∩ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩
Please wait while scanning the MPEG files =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╧≤∩ ┼δσπ≈∙ ⌠∩ MPEG ┴±≈σΘß
Please, add at least one MPEG file =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ┼Θ≤ßπσ⌠σ σφß ╘∩⌡δß≈Θ≤⌠∙φ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩
Pos =╚σ≤τ
Rear margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 45 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ╘σδ∩⌡≥ πΘß ⌠τφ ╤∩τ ⌠τ≥ ╘ßΘφΘß≥.^├Θß Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σ≈σΘ ╠σπσΦ∩≥ ╘∩⌡δß≈Θ≤⌠∙φ 15 sectors.^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ 45 πΘß Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 , ─Θß÷∩±σ⌠ΘΩß 0
Rigth Click to have the Popup menu =─σεΘ ╩δΘΩ ≤⌠∩ Mouse πΘß ┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ ┼≡Θδ∩π∙φ
Ripping %s =┼εßπ∙πτ ⌠∩⌡ %s
Same as "%s" but when pbc interpretation enabled,^then start the next disc at the second pbc list instead of the first one.=╔ΣΘ∩ ∞σ ⌠∩ [%s] ┴δδß ╧⌠ßφ τ ┼±∞τφσΘß ⌠∩⌡ PBC σΘφßΘ ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφτ,^⌠∩⌠σ εσΩΘφß ⌠∩ ┼≡∩∞σφ∩ CD ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ─σ⌡⌠σ±τ ╦Θ≤⌠ß ⌠∩⌡ PBC ßφ⌠Θ εßφß ⌠∩⌡ ╨±∙⌠∩⌡.
Scanning %s =┴φßδ⌡≤τ ⌠∩⌡ %s
Sequence Duration and/or video type must be known, so "%s" must be checked, to have access to this=╟ ─Θß±ΩσΘß ⌠∩⌡ sequence ΩßΘ/τ ∩ ⌠⌡≡∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ Video ≡±σ≡σΘ φß σΘφßΘ ├φ∙≤⌠ß. ^├Θß φß ⌡≡ß±≈σΘ ≡±∩≤Γß≤τ ≤σ ß⌡⌠τφ ⌠τφ ┼≡Θδ∩πτ ╨±σ≡σΘ ⌠∩ "%s" ^φß ┼ΘφßΘ ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩ ≤⌠∩ ╩σφ⌠±ΘΩ∩ Menu.
Settings =┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥
Size =╠σπσΦ∩≥
Start Cd device rotation =┼ΩΩΘφτ≤τ ╨σ±Θ≤⌠±∩÷τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD
Start offset =┼ΩΩΘφτ≤τ offset
Start the next disc if it has the same <album-id> at the second sequence instead of the first.=εσΩΘφß ⌠∩ σ≡∩∞σφ∩ CD σßφ σ≈σΘ ⌠∩φ ΘΣΘ∩ < ┴±ΘΦ∞∩-╙⌡δδ∩πτ≥ > ß≡∩ ⌠∩ Σσ⌡⌠σ±∩ Sequence ßφ⌠Θ ⌠∩⌡ ≡±∙⌠∩⌡.
Stop Cd device rotation =╨ß⌡≤τ ╨σ±Θ≤⌠±∩÷τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD
SubTree Size =╠σπσΦ∩≥ ╒≡∩÷ßΩσδ∙φ
Supports Files Drag'n Drop =╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ ⌠∩⌡ Drag'n Drop ≤⌠ß ┴±≈σΘß
Supports Files/Folders Drag'n Drop =╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ ⌠∩⌡ Drag'n Drop ≤⌠ß ┴±≈σΘß/╓ßΩσδ∩⌡≥
The Aspi layer (required by CDRDAO) may be missing or not be installed correctly=╧ ╧Στπ∩≥ ASPI (≈±σΘßµσ⌠σ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ CDRDAO) Σσφ ╒≡ß±≈σΘ τ Σσφ σΘφßΘ ┼πΩß⌠σ≤⌠τ∞σφ∙≥
The BIN filename must have no SPACE character if you want to burn it with CDRDAO=╘∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ BIN Σσφ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ┼≈σΘ ╩σφ∩⌡≥ ╫ß±ßΩ⌠τ±σ≥, ┴φ ╚σδσ⌠σ φß ├±ß÷τ ∞σ ⌠∩ CDRDAO
The Folder "%s" is a special (S)VCD folder! =╧ ╓ßΩσδ∩≥ "%s" σΘφßΘ σφß≥ σΘΣΘΩ∩≥ (S)VCD ÷ßΩσδ∩≥!
The check for new version available failed =╧ ┼δσπ≈∩≥ πΘß ═σß ─ΘßΦσ≤τ∞τ ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ┴≡σ⌠⌡≈σ
The file "%s" does not exist =╘∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ "%s" Σσφ ╒≡ß±≈σΘ
The filename must contain the full path =╘∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ ≡±σ≡σΘ φß ≡σ±Θσ≈σΘ ⌠τφ ≡δτ±τ ─ΘßΣ±∩∞τ
The volume name must not be empty when there are more than one volumes=╘∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ┴δ∞≡∩⌡∞ ─σφ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σΘφßΘ ╩σφ∩ ╧⌠ßφ ╒≡ß±≈∩⌡φ ╨σ±Θ≤∩⌠σ±ß ⌠∩⌡ ┼φ∩≥ ┴δ∞≡∩⌡∞
This %s supports only =┴⌡⌠∩ %s ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θµσ⌠ßΘ ╠∩φ∩
This VCDEasy version supports only the version %s of "%s" =┴⌡⌠τ τ ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ⌠∩⌡ VCDEasy ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θµτ ╠∩φ∩ ⌠τφ ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ %s ⌠∩⌡ "%s"
This file must have a size multiple of 2336 and be not empty, if you want to add it as a full 2336 bytes sectors file=╘∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ┼≈σΘ ╠σπσΦ∩≥ ╨∩δß≡δδß≤Θ∩ ⌠∩⌡ 2336 ΩßΘ φß ∞τφ σΘφßΘ ╩σφ∩, ^┴φ Φσδσ⌠σ φß ⌠∩ ┼Θ≤ßπσ⌠σ ≤ßφ full 2336 bytes sectors ┴±≈σΘ∩
This frame number must refers to this MPEG sequence, not the original sequence if different=╧ ┴±ΘΦ∞∩≥ ⌠∩φ ╩ß±σ(FPS) πΘß ⌠∩ ╙⌡πΩσΩ±Θ∞σφ∩ MPEG sequence, ┴φß÷σ±σ⌠σ ≤⌠∩ " ╤∩τ Video ".
This is related to the ability of some multi-disc stand-alone players to instantly start playing^the next disc once the current disc as finished playing.=┴⌡⌠∩ ┴φß÷σ±σ⌠σ ≤⌠τφ ─⌡φß⌠∩⌠τ⌠ß ≡∩⌡ ┼≈∩⌡φ ╠σ±ΘΩß multi-disc stand-alone players ^φß ╨ßΘµ∩⌡φ ┴∞σ≤∙≥ ⌠∙φ σ≡∩∞σφ∩ ─Θ≤Ω∩ ╧⌠ßφ ╘σδσΘ∙φτ ∩ ╨±∩τπ∩⌡∞σφ∩≥.
This version works with =┴⌡⌠τ τ ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ╦σΘ⌠∩⌡±πτ ∞σ
Tools =┼±πßδσΘß
TreeSubLevel =TreeSubLevel
Trying to unlock the Cd Reader =╨±∩≤≡ßΦσΘß ╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß⌠∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥
Trying to unlock the Cd Writer =╨±∩≤≡ßΦσΘß ╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß⌠∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
Type =╘⌡≡∩≥
Unable to create =┴Σ⌡φß⌠τ τ ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß
Unable to overwrite =┴Σ⌡φß⌠τ τ ┼≡ßφσππ±ß÷τ
Unable to perform a Cdr devices scan =┴Σ⌡φß⌠∩≥ ∩ ┼δσπ≈∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CDR
Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 0=╫±τ≤τ πΘß φß ╧±Θ≤∩⌡∞σ ⌠∙φ ß±ΘΦ∞∩ ⌠∙φ ╩σφ∩φ sector ≡±Θφ ╬σΩΩΘφτ≤τ ⌠∩ lead-out.^╠σ±ΘΩß δσΘ⌠∩⌡±πΘΩß ≤⌡≤⌠τ∞ß⌠ß Θ≤∙≥ ╨ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤∩⌡φ I/O ≤÷ßδ∞ß⌠ß δ∩π∙ ⌠∩⌡ read-ahead, ^∩⌠ßφ ΣΘßΓßµ∩⌡φ ⌠∩ ⌠σδσ⌡⌠ßΘ∩ MPEG track, ßφ ß⌡⌠τ τ ≡ß±ß∞σ⌠±∩≥ Σσφ σΘφßΘ ≡σ±Θ≡∩⌡ ≤⌠∩ 15. ^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 0
Used to set the track pregap for all tracks at once in sectors.^The specification requires the pregap to be at least 150 sectors long.^Default is 150=╫±τ≤τ πΘß φß ╧±Θ≤∩⌡∞σ ⌠∩ Ωσφ∩ track, πΘß ∩δß ⌠ß track ∞σ ⌠τφ ∞Θß ≤σ sectors.^╟ ╨±∩ΣΘßπ±ß÷σ≥ ß≡ßΘ⌠∩⌡φ ⌠∩ Ωσφ∩ φß σ≈σΘ ∞σπσΦ∩≥ ⌠∩⌡δß≈Θ≤⌠∩φ 150 sectors. ^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 150
Used when PBC information is present but its interpretation is disabled on the player,^when multiple volumes in album, when album name not empty, when not Vcd 1.1.=╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θτ⌠σ ∩⌠ßφ τ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ ⌠∩⌡ PBC ╒≡ß±≈∩⌡φ ßδδß ⌠∩ ΣΘßΓß≤∞ß ⌠∩⌡≥ σΘφßΘ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩ ≤⌠∩ Player,^O⌠ßφ ⌡≡ß±≈∩⌡φ ≡∩δδß CD ≤σ ∞Θß ╙⌡δδ∩πτ, τ O⌠ßφ ⌠∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ CD Σσφ σΘφßΘ ßΣσΘ∩, τ O⌠ßφ Σσφ σΘφßΘ VCD 1.1. ⌠∩⌠σ
Value bigger than the MPEG duration =╘Θ∞τ ╠σπßδτ⌠σ±τ ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ─Θß±ΩσΘß ⌠∩⌡ MPEG
Video Stream =╤∩τ Video
Viewing restrictions which may be interpreted by the playing device.^The allowed range goes from "0" [unrestricted, means free to view for all], to "3" [restricted, may mean content not suitable for ages under 18].=╟ ┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ ⌠∙φ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∙φ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θµσ⌠σ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ CD player.^╟ ╘Θ∞σ≥ ┼ΘφßΘ ß≡∩ "0" [ ┼δσ⌡Φσ±ß ] ╠σ≈±Θ "3" [ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩≥ πΘß ┴⌠∩∞ß ╩ß⌠∙ ⌠∙φ 18 ┼⌠∙φ ].
Warning: relaxing the aps requirement may lead to non-working entry points=╨±∩≤∩≈τ: ╟ ┴≡ßΘ⌠τ≤τ πΘß ╫ßδß±∙≤τ ⌠∩⌡ APS ╔≤∙≥ ╧Στπτ≤τ ≤σ entry points ≡∩⌡ Σσφ ╦σΘ⌠∩⌡±π∩⌡φ
Writing cd image file =┼ππ±ß÷τ ⌠∩⌡ CD Image ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
Wrote %s Mb of %s Mb =├±ß÷⌠τΩßφ %s Mb ß≡∩ %s Mb
Yes =═ßΘ
You can change this option only if the MPEG files list is empty =╠≡∩±σΘ⌠σ φß ┴δδßεσ⌠σ ┴⌡⌠τ ⌠τφ ┼≡Θδ∩πτ ╠╧═╧ σßφ ^τ ╦Θ≤⌠ß ∞σ ⌠ß " Video MPEG ┴±≈σΘß " ┼ΘφßΘ ┴ΣσΘß.
You entered a total of %s volumes for the album =┼≈σΘ≥ ΓßδσΘ ≤⌠∩ ≤⌡φ∩δ∩ %s CD πΘß ⌠τφ ╙⌡δδ∩πτ
You need to restart %s in order to take the locations changes into account=╨±σ≡σΘ φß Ωßφσ⌠σ ┼≡ßφσΩΩΘφτ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ %s πΘß φß σφσ±π∩≡∩ΘτΦ∩⌡φ τ ßδδßπσ≥
You will only have to drag the ..._##.img files into Toast =╨±σ≡σΘ φß ≡ß±σ⌠σ ⌠∩ "..._##.img" ß±≈σΘ∩ ≤⌠∩ Toast
and =ΩßΘ
and supports =ΩßΘ ⌡≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ
by =ß≡∩
bytes =bytes
not found =Σσφ Γ±σΦτΩσ
or =τ
or as standalone application =τ ≤ßφ ┴⌡⌠∩φ∩∞τ ┼÷ß±∞∩πτ
then you must set this option to true for entrypoints to be placed at the desired positions.=⌠∩⌠σ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ╩ßφσ⌠σ ┴⌡⌠τ ⌠τφ ┼≡Θδ∩πτ, ┘≤⌠σ ⌠∩ entry points φß ⌠∩≡∩Φσ⌠τΦτ ≤⌠τφ ╙∙≤⌠τ ╚σ≤τ.
##################################### Added at version 1.0.3
# Nothing
##################################### Added at version 1.0.4
Read the very good %s to understand how (S)VCD chapters works =─ΘßΓß≤σ ⌠∩ ≡∩δ⌡ Ωßδ∩ %s πΘß φß ∞ßΦσΘ≥ ≡∙≥ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±π∩⌡φ ⌠ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≤⌠∩ (S)VCD
%s disabled =%s ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩
No %s =╧≈Θ %s
Warning: You may experience some problems with the ASPI Tools in enabling them...^if so, send me an email=╨±∩≤∩≈τ: ╔≤∙≥ ≡ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤⌠∩⌡φ ∞σ±ΘΩß ≡±∩Γδτ∞ß⌠ß ßφ σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ≤σ⌠σ ⌠ß ASPI σ±πßδσΘß,^ ßφ ═ßΘ, ⌠∩⌠σ ≤⌠⌡δ⌠σ ∞∩⌡ e-mail
You need to restart %s in order to take the changes into account =╨±σ≡σΘ φß Ωßφσ⌠σ ┼≡ßφσΩΩΘφτ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ %s πΘß φß σφσ±π∩≡∩ΘτΦ∩⌡φ τ ßδδßπσ≥
No Cd Writer/reader found or ASPI drivers problem =─σφ Γ±σΦτΩσ CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥/┼ππ±ß÷τ≥ τ ⌡≡ß±≈τ ≡±∩Γδτ∞ß ≤⌠∩⌡≥ ASPI ∩Στπ∩⌡≥
Unlock Cd Writer after failed writing =╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß ⌠∩⌡ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥ ∞σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ┴≡∩⌠⌡≈Θ∞σφτ ┼ππ±ß÷τ
Unable to perform a Cdr devices scan, you may have an ASPI drivers problem=┴Σ⌡φß⌠∩≥ ∩ σδσπ≈∩≥ ⌠τ≥ ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ CDR, ╔≤∙≥ ⌡≡ß±≈σΘ ≡±∩Γδτ∞ß ∞σ ⌠∩⌡≥ ╧Στπ∩⌡≥ ASPI
(in French or English) =(≤⌠ß ├ßδδΘΩß τ ┴ππδΘΩß)
Front margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ┴±≈τ≥ πΘß ⌠∩ sequence.^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 0 πΘß Super Video CD 1.0
Rear margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ╘σδ∩⌡≥ πΘß ⌠∩ sequence.^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 0 πΘß Super Video CD 1.0
Attention: one or more chapters have the same entry point =╨±∩≤∩≈τ: ┼φß τ ≡σ±Θ≤∩⌠σ±ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß σ≈∩⌡φ ⌠∩ ΘΣΘo entry point
To avoid this, change your chapters or relax the ASP constraints =├Θß φß ⌠∩ ß≡∩÷σΘπσ⌠σ, ßδδßε⌠σ ⌠ß Ωσ÷ßδßΘß τ ╫ßδß±∩≤⌠σ ⌠∙φ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩ ⌠∩⌡ APS
CDRDAO will not accept to burn the VideoCD,^Change the Cd image type to "CDRDAO TOC" if you really want to burn it=CDRDAO Σσφ Σσ≈σ⌠σ φß π±ß°τ ⌠∩ VideoCD,^┴δßε⌠σ ⌠∙φ ⌠⌡≡∩ ⌠∩⌡ CD Image ≤σ "CDRDAO TOC" ßφ Φσδσ⌠σ φß ⌠∩ π±ß°σ⌠σ
See the detailled log =─σ≥ ⌠∩ ╦σ≡⌠∩∞σ±τ log
NB: You may encounter burning problems... =╒├: ╔≤∙≥ ╨ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤⌠∩⌡φ ╨±∩Γδτ∞ß⌠ß ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥...
##################################### Added at version 1.0.5
#Paste supports VCDEasy, ChapterXtractor and TMPGEnc time format
Don't show this message again =╠τφ ╬ßφßσ∞÷ßφτ≤τ≥ ⌠∩ ╠τφτ∞ß ┴⌡⌠∩
Don't ask me again =╠τφ ∞σ ╬ßφß±∙⌠τ≤τ≥
Warning: You may experience some problems with the CDRDAO...^if so, upgrade your ASPI drivers=╨±∩≤∩≈τ: ╔≤∙≥ ╨ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤⌠∩⌡φ ∞σ±ΘΩß ╨±∩Γδτ∞ß⌠ß ∞σ ⌠∩ CDRDAO...^┴φ ═ßΘ, ┴φßΓßΦ∞τ≤⌠σ ⌠∩⌡≥ ╧Στπ∩⌡≤ ASPI
CDRDAO is disabled by default, as I am note sure it will work with your ASPI drivers=╘∩ CDRDAO σΘφßΘ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩ ≤ßφ ╨±∩σ≡Θδ∩πτ, πΘß⌠Θ Σσφ σΘ∞ßΘ ╙Θπ∩⌡±∩≥ ßφ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±πτ ∞σ ⌠∩⌡≥ ╧Στπ∩⌡≥ ASPI ≡∩⌡ ┼≈σ⌠ßΘ
Go to the "settings" page to enable it =╨τπßΘφσ ≤⌠τ≥ "┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥" πΘß φß ⌠∩ ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ≤τ≥
"TV system" not found in the SmartRipper IFO information =─σφ Γ±σΦτΩßφ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ πΘß ⌠∩ "TV system" ß≡∩ ⌠∩ IFO ⌠∩⌡ SmartRipper
Unknown "TV system" in the SmartRipper IFO information =┴πφ∙≤⌠∩ "TV system" ≤⌠τ≥ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ IFO ⌠∩⌡ SmartRipper
Paste supports VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor and TMPGEnc time format=╟ ┼≡ΘΩ∩δδτ≤τ ⌡≡∩≤⌠τ±ΘµσΘ ⌠∩ VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor ΩßΘ ⌠∩ TMPGEnc
News =╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥
Home Page =╙σδΘΣß ≤⌠∩ Internet(Web)
Download Page =╙σδΘΣß πΘß Download
Distribution =─Θßφ∩∞σß≥
Guide =╧Στπ∩≥
##################################### Added at version 1.0.6
# then you must set this option to true for entrypoints to be placed at the desired positions.=then you must set this option to true for entrypoints to be placed at the desired positions.
#Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 0=Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 0
# Default is 0 -> Default is 150
# see bellow
%s disabled in the %s settings page =%s ┼ΘφßΘ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩ %s ≤⌠τφ ╙σδΘΣß ┼≡Θδ∩π∙φ
ASPI seems valid =╘∩ ASPI ┼ΘφßΘ ┼φσ±π∩
Event Disabled =┼≡Θδ∩πτ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφτ
VideoCD BEGIN =┴±≈τ VideoCD
VideoCD END =╘σδ∩≥ VideoCD
Key =╨δτΩ⌠±∩
Play =╨ßΘεΘ∞∩
In relaxing the APS constraints, every sector containing an I-frame will also be regarded as an APS.^This increases the number of potential entry points.=╙⌠∩ ╫ßδß±∩ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩ ⌠∩⌡ APS, ^╩ßΦσ sector ≡σ±Θσ≈σΘ σφß I-frame ≡∩⌡ σ≡Θ≤τ≥ Φß σ∞÷ßφΘµσ⌠σ ∩≡∙≥ Ωß≡∩Θ∩ APS.^┴⌡⌠∩ ┴⌡εßφσΘ ⌠∙φ ß±ΘΦ∞∩ ⌠∙φ Entry Points.
Note that in all cases, you can not force a chapter entry point and being sure that the chapter will be physically at this point.=Note that in all cases, you can not force a chapter entry point and being sure that the chapter will be physically at this point.
If you overwrite this default numeric keys assignment, VCDEasy will not fill/update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters to this sequence later.=┴φ ┴δδßεσ⌠σ ⌠τ≥ ╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφσ≥ ╤⌡Φ∞Θ≤τ≥ ≤⌠ß ┴±ΘΦ∞τ⌠ΘΩß ╨δτΩ⌠±ß, ⌠∩ VCDEasy Σσφ Φß ΩßφσΘ fill/update ≡δσ∩φ. ^├Θ'ß⌡⌠∩ ╨╤╧╙╧╫╟, ┴φ ╨±∩≤Φσ≤σ⌠σ ∞σ±ΘΩß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≤σ ß⌡⌠∩ ⌠∩ Sequence ┴±π∩⌠σ±ß.
If you overwrite this default assignment, VCDEasy will not update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters or sequences later.=┴φ ┴δδßεσ⌠σ ⌠τ≥ ╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφσ≥ ╤⌡Φ∞Θ≤τ≥ ≤⌠ß ┴±ΘΦ∞τ⌠ΘΩß ╨δτΩ⌠±ß, ⌠∩ VCDEasy Σσφ Φß ΩßφσΘ update ╨δσ∩φ. ^├Θ'ß⌡⌠∩ ╨╤╧╙╧╫╟ ≤⌠∩ ßφ ┴±π∩⌠σ±ß ╨±∩≤Φσ≤σ⌠σ ∞σ±ΘΩß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≤σ ß⌡⌠∩ ⌠∩ Sequence.
Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 150=╫±τ≤τ πΘß φß ╧±Θ≤∩⌡∞σ ⌠τφ ╘Θ∞τ ⌠∙φ ┴ΣσΘ∙φ Sector ╨±Θφ ⌠∩ ( lead-out ) ╬σΩΩΘφτ≤τ.^╠σ±ΘΩß δσΘ⌠∩⌡±πΘΩß ≤⌡≤⌠τ∞ß⌠ß Θ≤∙≥ ╨ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤∩⌡φ I/O ≤÷ßδ∞ß⌠ß δ∩π∙ ⌠∩⌡ read-ahead, ^∩⌠ßφ ΣΘßΓßµ∩⌡φ ⌠∩ ⌠σδσ⌡⌠ßΘ∩ MPEG track, ┴φ ß⌡⌠τ τ ≡ß±ß∞σ⌠±∩≥ Σσφ σΘφßΘ ≡σ±Θ≡∩⌡ ≤⌠∩ 15. ╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 150
Special characters in filenames are not allowed^(GNU VCDImager known bug)=┼ΘΣΘΩτ ╫ß±ßΩ⌠τ±σ≥ ≤⌠∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ Σσφ ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡∩φ⌠ßΘ ^(┼ΘφßΘ bug ⌠∩⌡ GNU VCDImager)
"%s" propagates the choice to all chapters of the current sequence=╘∩ " %s " ╨±∩≤ß±∞∩µσΘ ⌠τ≥ ┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥ ≤σ ^╧╦┴ ⌠ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≤⌠∩ ≤⌡πΩσΩ±Θ∞σφ∩ Sequence
Too many chapters will be created =Φß ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πτΦ∩⌡φ ╨ß±ß ╨∩δδß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß
##################################### Added at version 1.0.7
"%s x %s" is not a valid resolution for "%s" encoded sequence ="%s x %s" Σσφ σΘφßΘ ≤⌡∞Γß⌠τ ┴φßδτ≤τ πΘß ⌠τφ Ω∙ΣΘΩ∩≡∩Θτ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ "%s"
##################################### Added at version 1.0.8
Number of possible chapter entry points =╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≡∩⌡ ∞≡∩±∩⌡φ φß ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πτΦ∩⌡φ, ╠σ≈±Θ
Error while parsing the XML document. =╦ßΦ∩≥ ≤⌠∩ XML ┴±≈σΘ∩.
So no display... =┼≡∩∞σφ∙≥ ─σφ ╓ßΘφσ⌠ßΘ...
Generating the (internally computed) XML file and preparing its display=─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß ⌠∩⌡ (╒≡∩δ∩πΘ≤∞σφ∩⌡ ┼≤∙⌠σ±ΘΩß) XML ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ ΩßΘ ╨±∩σ⌠Θ∞ß≤Θß ┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ≥ ⌠∩⌡
GNU VCDImager only accepts/analyzes multiplexed program streams (video AND audio streams) and MPEG Stills=╘∩ GNU VCDImager ╩ßφσΘ ┴φßδ⌡≤τ ΩßΘ ─σ≈σ⌠σ ╠╧═╧ ╨∩δ⌡≡δσπ∞σφ∩ ≤τ∞ß Video (┴±≈σΘ∩ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ ╩┴╔ ╟≈∩⌡) ΩßΘ MPEG ╓∙⌠∩
Check first that it is not an elementary video or audio stream only, a multiplexed program stream is required=┬σΓσ∙ΦσΘ⌠σ ╨±∙⌠ß ∩⌠Θ ⌠∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ Σσφ σ≈σΘ ╤∩τ ╠╧═╧ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ τ ╠╧═╧ ╟≈∩⌡, ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σ≈σΘ ╨∩δ⌡≡δσπ∞σφτ ╤∩τ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ ╩┴╔ ╟≈∩⌡
TV Cropping =TV ╩∩°Θ∞∩ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
Mpeg Size (Quality) =╠σπσΦ∩≥ MPEG (╨∩Θ∩⌠τ⌠ß)
Final Size =╘σδΘΩ∩ ╠σπσΦ∩≥
Best Initial Size =╩ßδ⌡⌠σ±∩ ┴±≈ΘΩ∩ ╠σπσΦ∩≥
Output Directory =╓ßΩσδ∩≥ ┼εßπ∙πτ≥
An output folder is required =┼φß≥ ╓ßΩσδ∩≥ ┼εßπ∙πτ≥ σΘφßΘ ┴≡ß±ßΘ⌠τ⌠∩≥
An output name is required =┼φß ╧φ∩∞ß ┼εßπ∙πτ≥ σΘφßΘ ┴≡ß±ßΘ⌠τ⌠∩
Unable to save the picture to "%s" =┴Σ⌡φß⌠τ τ ┴≡∩ΦτΩσ⌡≤τ ⌠τ≥ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ ≤⌠∩ "%s"
All Supported Image Formats =╧δß ⌠ß ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θµ∩∞σφß Format ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
Please read the VCDEasy FAQ before reporting a bug =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ─ΘßΓß≤⌠σ ⌠∩ VCDEasy FAQ ╨±Θφ ∞σ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±τ≤σ⌠σ πΘß Ωß≡∩Θ∩ ╦ßΦ∩≥
Do you want to see the FAQ now ? =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ─ΘßΓß≤σ⌠σ ⌠∩ FAQ ⌠∙±ß ?
Invalid MPEG file, seems to be a ".dat" file renamed to ".mpg" =┴Ωß⌠ßδτδ∩ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩, ╓ßΘφσ⌠σ ∩⌠Θ σΘφßΘ ".dat" ┴±≈σΘ∩ ≡∩⌡ σ≈σΘ ∞σ⌠∩φ∩∞ß≤⌠τ ≤σ ".mpg"
Use Cdxa2mpeg in the tools page to try to convert it to a "true" Mpeg file =╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θτ≤σ ⌠∩ " Cdxa2mpeg " ≤⌠τφ ╙σδΘΣß ┼±πßδσΘß πΘß φß ⌠∩ ╠σ⌠ß⌠±σ°τ≥ ≤σ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩
The files must be different =╘ß ┴±≈σΘß ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σΘφßΘ ─Θß÷∩±σ⌠ΘΩß
The file is not a MPEG file with Riff header [.dat file] =╘∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ ─┼═ σΘφßΘ MPEG ∞σ Riff ┼≡ΘΩσ÷ßδΘΣß [.dat ┴±≈σΘ∩]
Only motion videos and MPEG stills (pictures) are accepted =╠∩φ∩ Video ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ ΩßΘ MPEG ╓∙⌠∩ (┼ΘΩ∩φσ≥) ┼ΘφßΘ ┴≡∩ΣσΩ⌠ß
Ordered MPEG%s files =┼≡Θδσπ∞σφß MPEG%s ┴±≈σΘß
Adding MPEG Stills will be allowed in the next %s version =┼Θ≤ßπ∙πτ MPEG ╓∙⌠∩ Φß ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡σ⌠σ ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ┼≡∩∞σφτ %s ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ